Una serie de mesas abarrotadas de público al frente, la pared a la espalda, y, como únicas armas, su Fender Stratocaster conectada al amplificdor y un micro... Aquellas noches que se vivieron en el pequeño café Sin-é entre 1992 y 1993 fueron una de las explosiones musicales más silenciosas y bellas que se puedan experimentar. Las grabaciones publicadas son, concretamnte, de julio y agosto de 1993, justo después de haber firmado con Columbia y antes de la publicación de su único albúm "Grace".
"Live at Sin-é" es sinónimo de seducción. Es mision casi imposible no sentirse atraido por la atmósfera y la presencia de un artista/músico tan especial como Jeff Buckley. Estas palabras de Mitchell Cohen no lo pueden expresar mejor:
"There was almost no barrier between the audience and the performer, almost no transition between hanging out and performing. One minute, Jeff was behind the counter making cappuccinos, the next, he was ambling up to the mic with his guitar, as though he was tuning the instrument for the person who was going to play the thing. Somehow, imperceptibly, a song emerged. More accurately, a voice emerged. No one who was there, I'd wager, has forgotten the first time or place they heard that voice."
"When people in the music industry talk about "word of mouth" what they usually mean is "orchestrated hype" or "created buzz". It wasn't like that at all when Jeff Buckley began playing at Sin-é in 1992. It was the kind of genuine, contagious enthusiasm that you rarely experience. It was "come on, you've got to hear this...," as you dragged a friend from dinner and took her over to St. Marks Place on a Monday night in time to hear Jeff start to sing Elvis Costello's "So Like Candy". She fell in love instantly. A lot of people did."
Nada más que añadir. Solo queda escuchar y disfrutar.
CD 1
- Be Your Husband
- Lover, You Should've Come Over
- Mojo Pin
- Monologue - Duane Eddy, Song For Lovers
- Grace
- Monologue - Reverb, The Doors
- Strange Fruit
- Night Flight
- If You Knew
- Monologue - Fabulous Time For a Guinness
- Unforgiven (Last Goodbye)
- Twelfth of Never
- Monologue - Café Days
- Monologue - Eternal Life
- Eternal Life
- Just Like A Woman
- Monologue - False Start, Apology, Miles Davis
- Calling You
- Monologue - Nusrat, He's My Elvis
- Yeh Ho Halka Halka Saroor Hai
- Monologue - I'm A Ridiculous Person
- If You See Her, Say Hello
- Monologue - Matt Dillon, Hollies, Classic Rock Radio
- Dink's Song
- Monologue - Musical Chairs
- Drown In My Own Tears
- Monologue - The Suckiest Water
- The Way Young Lovers Do
- Monologue - Walk Through Walls
- Je N'en Connais Pas La Fin
- I Shall Be Released
- Sweet Thing
- Monologue - Good Night Bill
- Hallelujah
2 comentarios:
Muito obrigada! Muchas gracias!
Muchas gracias por el post. Saludos elcarcassmx
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